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Light Fare

Toast 2,50€
— ham, tunafish or pepperoni

Home­made piz­za slice 3,50€
— with dif­fer­ent toppings


Pyt­ti­pan­nu 6,00€
— fried pota­toes, sausage, pickles

Sokkalan sip­ulip­i­hvi 7
— home­made steak, fried boiled pota­toes or french fries , salad

Pep­pered Pork 10,00€
— pork with creamed pep­per sauce, fried boiled pota­toes or french fries , salad

Valkosip­uli­herkku  8,00€   

Steaks with gar­lic but­ter , fried boiled pota­toes or french fries


Week 45   3pm-5pm

Mon   Meat sauce, boiled pota­toes      6/10€ 

Tue      Meat­balls, mashed pota­toes   6/10€

Wed      Tuna Lasagne    6/10€

Thu     Chick­en with rice    6/10€

Fri        Tortilla casse­role

Por­tion includes slid­er and bread   10€ includes  wine or beer. 


Ice cream  5,00€
— 2 scoops, jam/ choco­late sauce , whipped cream

Waf­fle 5,00€
— ice cream and jam

Blue­ber­ry pan­cake 4,00€
— syrup

Cin­na­mon buns 1,50€




Kahvi, tee, kaakao 1,20€

Fan­ta, coca cola, coca-cola zero, sprite 0,25l ja vis­chy 0,33l 2,00€

Bat­tery ener­gy drink 3,20€

Bonaqua 0,5l 3,00€

Limut 0,5l 3,50€

Siiderit, lonkerot ja juomasekoitukset

Som­mers­by apple, pear,blueberry 4,7% 0,33l 5,50€

Crow­more dry/ extradry 4,7% 0,33l 5,50€

Crow­more dark 4,7% 0,5l 6,00€

Long Grape 5.5% 0,33l 5,80€

Long grape cran­ber­ry 5.5% 0,33l 5,80€

Garage 4,6% 0,33l 5,50€

Bac­ar­di Breez­er 4% 5,50€

Hanassa Karhu 4,6%

0,33l 3,80€

0,50l  5,00€


Karhu 4,6% 0,33l 3,80€

Karhu IVA 5,3% 0,33l  5,00€

Karhu tum­ma 6% 0,33l  6,30€

Koff lite 4,5% 0,33l  4,50€

 8,00€ 4,6% 0,33l 5,00€

Coro­na 4,5% 0,33l   5,00€

Stel­la 5% 0,33l  5,00€

Hoe­gaar­den 4,9% 0,33l  5,80€

 Bud­var  dark 4,7% 0,5l 6€

Indi­an Pale 4,7% 0,5l         6€ 

Brook­lyn Lager 4,7% 5€

Bud­weis­er 5% 5€


Talon punavi­i­ni  24cl   5€ 

Talon valkovi­i­ni  16cl   4,50€

Pic­co­lo pul­lot 6€

Gato Negro Caber­net Sauvi­gnon 13% 75cl 20,00€/ pullo

Gato Negro Sauv Blanc 12,5% 75cl 22,00€/ pullo

Inve­nio AUS Shi­raz 13% 75cl 22,00€/ pullo

Inve­nio Sauv Blanc 12,5% 75cl 20,00€/ pullo

Fre­si­ta 8% Sparkling Wine 75cl 25,00€/ pullo